Gömböc 2021 at Deutsches Museum

On July 7th 2022, the world’s largest technology and science museum, Deutsches Museum re-opened 19 of its permanent exhibitions after a complete refurbishment which lasted several years. Among the 19 new exhibitions is the Mathematical Collection which also underwent a major expansion and complete re-design under the direction of trustee Ms Katja Rasch (in top…

Gömböc-inspired capsule delivers ingestible COVID vaccine

A research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard Medical School used their own, Gömböc-inspired insulin capsule to deliver orally dosed mRNS vaccine, developed by Katalin Karikó and her colleagues. The article (appearing in the journal Matter) reports that experiments with animals are already under way. Katalin Karikó (who regularly plays with her own Herend Gömböc) called oral…

The Gömböc in Nature Biotechnology

On August 30th 2021, Nature Biotechnology, the world’s leading journal in biomedical engineering published an article, reporting on the progress of the development of the Gömböc-inspired insulin capsule. The article on the discovery of the Gömböc, which appeared in the Mathematical Intelligencer, is cited as the source for the inspiration on the shape of the…

The Gömböc on the cover in Portugal

Since 1939, the  Portugese Mathematical Society publishes the Gazeta de Matemática three times every year. On the cover of the first issue in 2021 the Gömböc appears as “the toy of the 21st century”.  The issue contains an article by  José Carlos Santos  who summarizes the history of the Gömböc and also describes the application to turtle shells. The graphics on the cover refer to…

The world’s largest monolithic Gömböc visible in Tartu

AHHAA, the largest science center in the Baltic states opened in 2014 the popular math exhibition “AHA Cubed!” where  visitors can familiarize themselves with fundamental mathematical concepts by using  interactive displays. Part of the popular show is an exhibit featuring a 240mm tall black plexiglass Gömböc, the largest monolithic Gömböc model on display worldwide. The only functional Gömböc model which…

The Gömböc in Burgundy

Founded in 1722, the Université de Bourgogne is the  region’s leading institution of higher education.  The  library of the Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne (IMB), named after Burgundy’s famous son, Gaspard Monge,  is located in the Sciences Mirande building. The Gaspard Monge library hosts the showcase with valuable mathematical volumes where, next to the works of V.I. Arnold, the Gömböc is on display.

The Gömböc in the magazines Quanta, Wired and Le Scienze

Quanta Magazin, ranked as the world’s #1 science news portal,  dedicated its November 19th article to the reserach project verifying  Plato’s hypothesis about cubes  and connecting it with the Gömböc. The story behind the reserach project is laid out by award-winning science writer Joshua Sokol. (Picture: title graphics “Cube World”  in Quanta by Thomas Shahan.) The article has been republished by leading…

The Gömböc in the Montserrat

In 2013, after Dan Richards published his first book (coauthored with Robert Macfarlane), Holloway soon led the best established book review of the UK, the bestseller-list of the Sunday Times.  Richards published with Faber & Faber a new book in 2016, inspired by the memoirs of his great-great aunt, Dorothy Pilley. The backdrop of a substantial part of Climbing Days are mountain landscapes. On page 158 Richards describes…

Top Hungarian students receive Gömböc prize

The winners of the phyics, chemistry and informatics  National Secondary School Academic Competition, Péter Pácsonyi, Ádám Kapdos  and Márton Nagy received one Gömböc each from István Szabó, vice president of National Office for Reserach and Innovation (NKFIH). Mr Szabó greeted the students with the following words at the ceremony (according to the NKFIH  press release): “This special object should remind them…